Tuesday, December 20, 2011

senyumanku dipagi hari...CDCS TIMBANGAN 4

salam peps...

ceria sy pgi ni,..erhm,..dalam kesibukan mnjga dn meng"coach" org lain untuk turun lebih berat dan menjadi lebih sihat,..saya risau je tak tercontrol berat sendiri. kantoi bagi saya istilah subjektif. dulu2 saya selalu cakap kalau makan malam KANTOI DIET!!! ....sebab takut berat naik semula,..tapi sekarang,..termakan malam bukan kantoi, tapi saya maintain kan berat saya je, so takbleh berharap yang akan turun banyak atau puas hati lah kalau berat tak naik. heeeee........KANTAOI, kalau saya terbreakfast selain shake je,..hahah.

nk share my current weight now is 61.0kg with my BMR dah meningkat!!!! yeayyy,,.seronok2,...at least BERAT TURUN, BMR NAIK!! so ader sebab kenapa tak turun banyak sangat...heeee

ok lets share something,...banyak kali dah saya share pasal benda ni, and I stressed on it because it is VERY important...

ramai tak faham fungsi muscle dan lemak dalam penimbangan berat badan..MUSCLE  adalah otot dalam badan yang akan support day-to-day activities. Kenapa saya cakap, biar turun lemak jangan turun muscle. CONFIRM bukan sebab kita nak jadi orang angkat berat, tapi untuk pastikan berat badan yang maintain untuk jangka masa yang panjang.  sebab tu lah,..jangan terlalu mengharap penurunan yang sangat banyak kalau tanpa senaman.

jom saya share sedikit info yang saya dapat

Why Does Weight Loss Slow?

As soon as you cut the calories too low the body thinks it is starving. So, the metabolism begins to slow. The body wants to conserve its energy.
Once the body has exhausted its supply of available carbohydrates, the body starts to breakdown fat and muscle for fuel. This is dangerous and exhausting for many reasons.
In addition, if you do lose some muscle mass while dieting incorrectly this can slow your body's ability to burn calories. Muscle burns more calories than fat. So, it is always good to try to improve your ratio of muscle mass to fat mass.
Everyone's body is different, so it is hard to predict what will happen when someone begins a very low calorie diet. But, in my own experience, eight times out of ten, those who eat too few calories have none or very little weight loss. Once we add back more protein and a few healthy carbohydrates to a healthy calorie level, the patient once again sees weight loss.

Badan manusia kan lain2,..jadi berhati2 k..heeee..
TOO LOW CALORIES SANGAT DANGEROUS!!!!..pilih makanan dengan bijak, be healthy instead of be skinny!!

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